About me…

1142085405198257249UR0wHzIcI graduated in philosophy of religion many years ago and have since acquired my PGCE and now teach and lecture in religion, ethics, and philosophy. I enjoy reading (made even better while drinking a good, strong English cup of tea of course), listening to good music (especially Hans Zimmer), long walks by the sea, spending time with family and friends.

Update: In June 2014 I had brain surgery which, while successful, has caused me to considerably slow down with my blogging (as well as virtually everything else too!). I apologise that I cannot blog at the rate I used to. 

I am English so look out for dry humour, weird (correct) spellings, and excessive use of sarcasm (although, to me, it’s not excessive of course) in my posts.

Episcopius is a reference to Simon Episcopius, the protégé of Jacob Arminius, who was the primary author of the Arminian Confession of 1621 and who was one of the most important Remonstrants and Christian thinkers of the 17th century.

My primary interests are the theological debates and history of Arminianianism and Calvinism, metaethics, religious ethics, normative ethics, the moral arguments for God, the relationship between science and Christian theism, free-will, epistemology, and the problem of suffering and evil.

Some of my favourite recent philosophers (in no particular order) are:

Linda Zagzebski, Onora O’Neill, Kevin Timpe, Russ Shaeffer-Landau, Jerry Walls, Paul Draper, Alvin Plantinga, Keith Ward, Richard Swinburne, John Cottingham, Robert Audi, Anthony Kenny, Robert Kane, Robert Koons, Philippa Foot and Eleonore Stump.

I am currently reading:

‘On What Matters’ by Derek Parfit

‘Acting on Principle: An Essay on Kantian Ethics’ by Onora O’Neill

‘An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics’ by Peter Harvey


I don’t see any of my blog posts as finished products and I have a tendency to endlessly tinker with them so I apologise if you find that annoying. I am very open to being corrected if I have misrepresented anyone since I aim to avoid that as much as is humanly possible. I am not really looking to change people’s minds as much as hoping that what you read will inspire you to go and read about it more.

This is just for the nerds (like me) who like stats:

  • My primary audience is North America (I get more views from North America than all other countries put together by a factor of over two!).
  • There was only one day (that I have noticed anyway) when North America was outnumbered in terms of views and that was New Zealand the day I posted my ‘Four Lifeguards’ blog – perhaps lots of New Zealand lifeguards were disappointed that day but I’m thankful they don’t send hate mail.
  • Piper blogs get lots of views (don’t know why)!
  • Largest amount of hits in any one day was 452 largely due to Massimo Pigliucci putting a link to my article in defense of him on his blog. Thanks Massimo!!
  • My audience are not terribly interested in reading about Richard Carrier (no further comment)!
  • The only time I’ve got into double figures viewing for France was the day I blogged about James White! Is he loved in France? Pourquoi?

COMMENTS on my blog:

Comments are almost always permitted but please don’t take offense if I don’t reply. It’s nothing personal.

If you regularly view my blog please write a comment some time. I seem to have a couple of die-hards in Australia, Brazil and in Ireland! Who are you strange people?

Thanks for reading and thinking!

13 Responses to About me…

  1. I majored in philosophy as an undergraduate and thought of going further, but decided to go to law school. I have been practicing law since 1996 but I still read philosophy. Really I just read the philosophy I enjoy and am interested in. I also have listened to a lot of different books and courses from audible.com on theology and Christian history. I have been doing that for so long I think it really has legitimately extended my education. I find your blog an interesting and informative read.

    Sometimes when I read popular atheists, that I feel misrepresent Christian traditional thought, my blood pressure rises. But you are very patient with their errors from what I have read so far, and do a great job representing what a thoughtful christian is like. Great work on a very enjoyable blog.

    • aRemonstrant'sRamblings says:

      Thanks for letting me know. I’m glad you find my blog of help. Sometimes I get frustrated too I can assure you.

  2. are you on facebook group, if so and you’re not already you should join UK Apologetics ;P Liked your post responding to the BHA videos.

  3. David Booth says:

    Hi… hoping all is well with you. Have enjoyed your blog and learned much from it – especially your critique of he “New Calvinist”. Blessings, David

  4. fedematias95 says:

    What readings would you (as a non-believer) recommend to someone who is doubting his Christian faith?

    • aRemonstrant'sRamblings says:

      Just so you know, I reject the term ‘non-believer’ on principle. I have lots of beliefs and one of them is in a god but I simple reject the god of Christianity. I would encourage such a person to doubt his faith further by suggesting he read Everitt’s ‘The nonexistence of God’. I would also suggest reading the New Testament closely during a significant time of suffering and asking whether they think it holds true. However they must travel their own journey and make their own decisions. I wish them well.

      • fedematias95 says:

        I apologize if I misused the term “nonbeliever”. I just meant to say “nonbeliever in the Christian God”, given that you departed Christianity a few time ago. Thanks for your recommendations.

        • fedematias95 says:

          One last comment. I’d like to know what you think about John Hick’s religious pluralism and if you’ve ever considered it.

          • aRemonstrant'sRamblings says:

            It’s been many years since I read Hick on that subject. I think my view would be far more sympathetic now than twenty years ago for sure. What about yourself?

  5. fedematias95 says:

    I find it attractive and worth studying it in depth. I’m planning on buying his book “An Interpretation of Religion”.

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